Lauren Haig
Deb I have been riding for as long as I can remember, and started focusing primarily on dressage from the age of about twelve. I had a very successful time on ponies, and fast forward a few years I am now riding almost full time, as well as studying towards a Bachelor of Criminal Justice to add to my Bachelor of Law. My current main horse is 'Westford Lanciano', who is currently nearly ready to step out at level 8. Together we were named on the winning New Zealand Team for the 2017 World Dressage Challenge, as well as winning the NZ section of the Intermediate I class. We were also Reserve Champion Level 7 at both South Island Champs 2018 and Canterbury Champs 2017, as well as Champion Level 6 at Canterbury Champs 2016. I also enjoy showing, and currently have two horses that I have been lucky to have the ride on this season, Chelton Light Regards and Topshelf II. Both horses so far have come away with wide sashes from every show we have been to. We discovered The Cover Queen last year, and have become total converts - we now use them on all our horses (including broodmares, youngstock and a stallion). They have proven to be incredibly durable and well made with quality fastenings, as well as keeping the horses toasty warm during the cold weather, and look super smart! As an added bonus we had no manes rubbed out over winter! I am incredibly appreciative of sponsorship from The Cover Queen, as well as being incredibly impressed of the quality of their covers.